We have been supporting the investment fund accounting and fund administration industry since 1999 via our core PAXUS product. The company has since gone from strength to strength with continual year-on-year growth.

Our award winning PAXUS system is a specialist accounting and administration software that fully supports the administration of all manner of open and closed ended traditional and alternative funds, including hedge funds and private equity investment vehicles.

We have always had a global approach to our business; our core PAXUS software is in operation in 70+ separate database installations across the globe, with thousands of funds being administered and audited on PAXUS annually.  Clients range from single office fund administration firms to major fund administration service providers who commonly have thousands of staff globally.

We are dedicated to providing a first class global business solution to our clients; understanding our clients’ business and providing excellent ongoing product support are at the heart of our business objectives. The common denominators amongst our clients are growth and success.

We are a proven global technology solution for the fund administration industry that enables clients to automate all fund administration components on a single platform. We improve administrative efficiencies, implement essential controls, manage operational risk and ultimately empower service partners to exceed the expectations of their clients.

PAXUS is revolutionary in that it integrates all the processes that are normally performed on multiple systems, including: securities portfolio, allocation system, general ledger, fee calculation, share registry, investor communications and web portal.

Benefits of this approach include increased efficiency, reduced risk of error, faster valuations, a simplified technical landscape and the ability to support complex investment structures whilst vastly reducing IT costs. PAXUS also brings all the benefits of a modern relational database design such as reliability and scalability.

PAXUS has a real-time interface with PAXUS-CONNECT, our leading edge web portal platform, which provides both fund managers and investors access to detailed fund information, holding and transaction related information, and also has the functionality to allow the submission and approval of online transactions.

Snapshot Summary:

  • Highly successful: 100+ clients operating in 35+ countries
  • 10,000+ live funds on PAXUS
  • 30,000,000+ trades processed on PAXUS to date
  • 10,000+ trades per day processed on PAXUS
  • 1,000,000+ prices processed per week on PAXUS
  • 2,000,000+ individual shareholder records maintained on PAXUS
  • $1.5+ trillion US Dollars Assets Under Administration on PAXUS
  • 2000+ individual users of PAXUS

Get in touch with our team of experts today.