Our sole and continuing vision is to build and supply market leading fund administration software systems for third party fund administration service providers.

We are unique in the marketplace because we offer a single system, PAXUS, which integrates functionality across the spectrum of fund administration disciplines, from fund accounting through to shareholder services.

An established market-leading product, PAXUS offers a functionally rich solution that integrates all the processes that are normally performed on multiple systems within a multi-currency General Ledger, and satisfies the needs of the most sophisticated fund administrators.

Benefits of this single-integrated-system approach include increased efficiency, reduced risk of error, faster valuations, ability to support complex structures and vastly reduced IT costs. PAXUS also brings all the benefits of relational database design such as reliability and scalability.

Our products are complemented by our knowledgeable team, who each have extensive knowledge and expertise of fund administration operations. This exceptionally strong combination of award-winning products alongside exceptional support allows us to deliver an innovative and dynamic set of products to our core target market, independent fund administrators. Our products actively help organisations gain and retain a competitive edge in their business activities by providing them with a system that contains the functionality they require, the essential flexibility their clients require and the ability to easily and quickly adapt to changing market and regulatory conditions.

We highly value the partnerships we have with our customers and stakeholders and we pride ourselves on providing an exceptional level of supportive service. We work closely with our clients to facilitate their success.

We are committed to using the best technology available in our products, and consistently innovate and update our core technology where appropriate.

Get in touch with our team of experts today.