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Alpha Alternatives, LLC selects PFS-PAXUS Fund Administration software
29 November 2015
Alpha Alternatives, LLC is pleased to announce the selection of the PFS-PAXUS administration software for its global fund administration/operations business. Arne Rovell, Partner at Alpha Alternatives stated, “At Alpha Alternatives we are focused on growing our fund administration offering with PFS-PAXUS as our core technology platform. We believe this will allow us to optimize the fund administration process and thereby drive growth in our business. The PFS-PAXUS platform is particularly attractive in that it integrates fund allocations, attributions, exposures, and independent trade reconciliations across all asset classes. We are confident that PFS-PAXUS will help us serve our clients with premium fund administration services.” Alpha Alternatives, LLC, is a full service fund administration company with professionals spanning multiple disciplines, including fund accounting and investor services, marketing, operational due diligence, and fund structuring/manager best practices. The firm is supported by a team of proven, well-qualified and dynamic professionals who together have a wealth of experience and expertise in the financial services industry. The company specialises in offering bespoke fund administration services covering all aspects of the fund administration process together with no-cost, add-on consulting services. Pacific Fund Systems (‘PFS’) is a leading provider of hedge fund administration software through PFS-PAXUS, its integrated share registry/fund accounting platform and PFS-CONNECT, its real-time web portal. PFS services over 70 client sites across multiple global jurisdictions with in excess of US$400bn of assets managed on PFS-PAXUS.