Fund Administration software vendor of the year for Pacific Fund Systems
17 April 2018
Pacific Fund Systems has been voted as ‘Fund Administration Software Vendor of the Year’ at the 2018 ACQ5 Hedge Fund Awards. This success can be attributed to the award winning PFS-PAXUS system; a specialist investment accounting and fund administration software. PFS-PAXUS fully supports the NAV calculation and shareholder servicing administration for all types of traditional and alternative funds, including retail funds, hedge funds, private equity, and managed account investment vehicles. The ACQ5 biennial Hedge / Fund Awards honour the hedge funds, funds of hedge funds, investment consultants, endowments, foundations, family offices, corporate funds, public funds, sovereign funds, advisory services and rising stars that stood out for their performance innovation, achievements and contributions to the industry in the past year. “Experts whose intimate knowledge and expertise in the cultural, financial and legal arenas are redefining our industry,” says Jake Robson, Group Editor of The ACQ5. “The ACQ5 HEDGE / FUND AWARDS 2018 winners always represent the best of breed in the industry and have earned these honours by standing out in a group of very impressive finalists. We are lucky enough to work with some of the most influential and enterprising private organisations in the world and are proud to share their message with our readers. Relying on reader insight and experience to provide nominations to the panel remains the cornerstone of our program and to identify industry leaders, individuals, teams and organisations that represent the benchmark of achievement and best practice in the business world.” This year the total number of nominations received stood at an amazing 42,197, with companies and individuals, representing every major market in the world, becoming finalists for the awards. “Operating a legitimately independent nomination process, our award winners are chosen by both our readership and via quantitative and qualitative analysis (Data Provider Assistance). Every year, we seek the assistance of our readers, the industry itself, in recognising industry leaders, eminent individuals, exemplary teams and distinguished businesses, which we believe represent the benchmark of achievement and best practice in a variety of fields – and every year, we turn to them to help as we strive to recognise an ever-widening spectrum of services, markets, industries and organisations that serve our global market place. We believe that by consulting our readers we can better identify the groups that are confronting the issues which face us at this ongoing complex juncture, and our awards will rise above the status of participation certificate and actually be an endorsement of their work.” Robson continued. ACQ5 HEDGE / FUND AWARDS 2018’ Objective as Always: To gather quantitative and qualitative information from and about the sector to be able to give a set of “Best of” awards. We founded the ACQ5 HEDGE / FUND AWARDS program to empower end users to make smarter, more confident decisions.