PFS Journal May 2018 edition released
18 May 2018
Pacific Fund Systems’ has today released its May 2018 journal publication. In this edition we continue to examine some of the challenges facing the fund administration industry, including pressures facing fund service providers relating to GDPR and CRS (Common-not-common Reporting Standards) obligations. As a software provider that is dedicated to the fund administration industry and its participants, we are keenly aware of the ongoing challenge for administrators to improve their levels of automation, transparency and efficiency by embracing new technology whilst simultaneously responding to pressures on reducing fees. We take our role as service partner very seriously when we look at future proofing our offering through continual product development, in order to ensure that our products and services remain at the leading edge. With one eye constantly on the evolutionary aspect of the industry, we take a closer look at how Cloud technology continues to add considerable value and how different asset strategies are gaining in popularity, such as crypto-currencies and Private Equity. You can view the newsletter here: