In line with the aim of staying ahead of current technological trends and the efficiencies they create, we now offers PAXUS via the cloud, with Software-as-a-Service ("SaaS") and Hosting service licensing models available to clients who wish to take advantage. The existing client-hosted model will continue to be offered in parallel with the new Software-as-a-Service and Hosting models, providing new and existing clients with an enhanced range of hosting and deployment options.

PAXUS-CLOUD is a SaaS we provided which allows customers to access PAXUS, PAXUS-CONNECT and PAXUS-DATAFEED hosted in the Cloud. The service is available 24/7 and provides users with access to the latest version of PAXUS and PAXUS-CONNECT on a multi-tenant database with all data maintained securely and privately.

We release a new version of our products every six months. Once a new version is released customers will have access to a test environment for a period of 6 weeks which will allow them to test the new version. After 6 weeks, the live production version is automatically upgraded to the latest release. Patches, including any minor updates and fixes between each full release will be automatically applied both to the production and the test environment platforms.

PAXUS-CLOUD offers the following functionalities, in addition to the features included in PAXUS, PAXUS-CONNECT and PAXUS-DATAFEED:

  • Hosting solution based on Microsoft Azure with access to high-performance servers and Premium SSD storage
  • A single multi-tenant SQL Server database for efficient maintenance and upgrades
  • Host web server for PAXUS-CONNECT on the same Microsoft Azure infrastructure with an option to white label the portal
  • Robust delivery of investor communications and automated internal emails using SendGrid© SMTP service
  • High network bandwidth for fast access to the service (dependency on local connectivity)
  • Remote application publishing using Enterprise grade Citrix XenApp© and Citrix Workspace Environment Management© for best of breed user experience
  • Security assurances over highly sensitive database information through data encryption during transfer and at rest (on disk storage) to help with GDPR requirements
  • Multi-Factor Authentication access to Citrix StoreFront©
  • Disaster Recovery system ("DR") will redirect all users connections to another data centre in case of major disaster (earthquakes, flood, etc.)
  • Daily database backup are retained daily for one month, monthly for 12 months, and yearly for seven years
  • Native Azure infrastructure backups are kept daily for seven days and weekly for eight weeks
  • Real-time systems and security monitoring with 24-7 technical support for PAXUS-CLOUD
  • Disaster Recovery system will redirect all users connections to another data centre in case of major disaster (earthquakes, flood, etc.)
  • One week trial account available to test the service
  • Two environments with different databases: Production & UAT


  1. COSTPAXUS-CLOUD is a subscription-based service. You do not have any capital costs, nor any operating and administration costs; this allows for simpler budgeting and predictable monthly costs.
  2. SCALE – The underlying IT infrastructure can be scaled if workloads increase. Taking the pressure off capacity planning.
  3. PERFORMANCE – Powered by Microsoft Azure Cloud services, your data remains on leading-edge hardware. You will always get the highest level of performance.
  4. PRODUCTIVITY – You do not have to download or install any patches. You automatically get all the latest features, software releases, updates and bug fixes. We manage all updates and upgrades for you. You no longer have to worry about hardware requirements and setup, operating systems, patching and other time-consuming IT management everyday jobs. PAXUS-CLOUD removes the need for all these tasks, taking this time-consuming burden and operational cost off your organisation.
  5. RELIABILITY – We securely store your data as we perform regular backups, meaning you always have a recent copy of all your work saved so you do not have to worry about hardware failure or shutdowns. On top of this your data is mirrored on a redundant site where you will be redirected in the event of a major failure or natural disaster, such as earthquakes, flood or other unforeseen issues in the primary hosting region.
  6. EASE OF USE – The service and your data are easily accessible, whether you are at home, in the office or travelling. All you need to access the software is a Microsoft Windows or Mac OSX device and an internet connection.
  7. LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGY – You are assured that PAXUS & PAXUS-CONNECT will always run on a leading Cloud Platform. As Cloud technology evolves, we will adapt the development of the software to take advantage of the latest Cloud developments for your benefit.
  8. CLOUD IS THE FUTURE – As technology gets more complex and systems such as PAXUS interface to multiple applications in real time using multiple layers of software, the cost of maintaining the environment in-house will increase. With the Cloud model these costs are shared across all the users.

PAXUS and PAXUS-CONNECT will be deployed in the PAXUS-CLOUD delivering an alternative hosting option for clients looking to use best of breed hosting, set up and technical support for PAXUS, PAXUS-CONNECT and related interfaces. PAXUS-CLOUD will offer existing and future clients the opportunity to mitigate IT costs, improve flexibility to scale software usage and increase focus on core business activities without compromising security or user experience.

We are committed to continuing to build upon this client focused, technology led ethos, to support its strong market position both now and into the future.

Get in touch with our team of experts today.